Bhogi is the first day of three-days Makar Sankranti festival. This is celebrated during Makar sankranti when sun changes it’s position from south to the north hemisphere. It is celebrated one day before Sankranti. This festival is celebrated mainly in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. In Maharashtra, it is known as Bhogi and Pedda Panduga in many other states.
Farmers worships Lord Indra (God of Rain) on this day to seek his blessings for a good harvest. Many people worship Sun (Surya Devata) on this day.
Rituals of Bhogi:
- On this day, People clean and wash their houses and draws beautiful Rangolis at the house entrance.
- People put sesame seeds in bathing water. Women wear new cloths and ornaments after taking a holy bath.
- Food is cooked with a freshly harvested rice, turmeric, Jowar and other vegetables. People cook variety of food like mix vegetable and Bhakari, Khichdi, sesame and jaggery chapati etc.
- Women of the family worship all deities and offer food (Naivedya) to all deities.
Tilgul Roti Recipe |
To celebrate this day, people wish each other Happy Bhogi Sankranti. In some regions of India, a bonfire is lit with cow dung cake and wood. All old items and cloths are sacrificed in this fire. People chant mantras and sing songs to praise lord while taking rounds around a holy fire.
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